CPR 920 – Pipe Repair Tape

Used in conjunction with Pipe Leak Repair Kits

Ideal for extending the pipe repair area and  providing corrosion protection to pipes suffering loss of wall thickness due to external corrosion


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SKU: CPR920 Category:


CPR 920 – Pipe Repair Tape is a resin based, water activated, fast curing, permanent and economical system to strengthen and reinforce damaged pipework including steel, copper, and PVC.

The repair tape/ bandage is generally used with other repair products to repair pressure and no pressure leaks to pipes and provides a tough and resilient layer over the repair area. The bandage has a quick cure time of 30 minutes which is ideal for emergency repairs and a fast return to service.

Typical Properties

  • Rapid cure
  • Fast return to service
  • Tough and resilient
  • Excellent bonding properties
  • Easy application

Direction for Use

Surface Preparations

  • Prepare the surface to be treated by removing any dust, laitance, grease and oil or any pre-existing finish.


  • Remove the pipe repair tape from the foil pouch and immerse in water for a few seconds, squeezing the roll as you do this to begin to activate the epoxy.
  • Place the tape/ bandage over the repair area and begin to wrap this tightly around the pipe, overlapping as you go and ensuring the repair area is completely covered.
  • Once complete, massage the wrapped pipe area using wet gloves and continue to massage for approximately 5 minutes until the repair is smooth.


  • Allow to cure for a minimum of 30 minutes – for best results leave for 2 hours.


  • Do not open the repair tape/ bandage foil pouch before you are ready to use it as this can cause it to ‘cure’.
  • If using multiple tapes these should applied consecutively at the time of conducting the repair and before massaging the repair.


  •  Coverage is dependent on pipe repair, pipe diameter and leak pressure.

Technical Data

  • Cure time 30 minutes (longer cure in < 10°C)
  • Full chemical resistance @ 20°C: 7 days
  • Adhesion strength to concrete: 3.9 MPa (concrete failure)
  • Adhesion strength to mild steel: >12 MPa

Chemical resistance

  • Excellent resistance to dilute acids, dilute alkalis, oil, petrol, diesel, vegetable oils, raw sewage etc.
  • Please consult our Technical Department for specific advice.
  • All products shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.


  • Store in dry conditions, out of direct sunlight at temperatures between 5°C and 28°C.
  • CPR 920 should be stored in original, unopened packages in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.


  • CPR 920 – is supplied in single pouches and is available in different sizes. Depending on the repair size, multiple bandages may be required. 

Safety Precautions

  • Avoid contact of the material with skin and eyes.
  • Wear protective gloves.
  • Wash off splashes immediately with soap and water.
  • Any eye contamination must be rapidly irrigated with copious amounts of clean water, and immediate medical attention sought.
  • Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for additional information.

Legal Notice

Whilst all reasonable care is taken in compiling technical data on the Company’s products, all recommendations or suggestions regarding the use of such products are made without guarantee, since the conditions of use are beyond the control of the Company.

It is the customer’s responsibility to satisfy himself that each product is fit for the purpose for which he intends to use it, that the actual conditions of use are suitable and that in the light of our continual research and development program the information relating to each product has not been superseded.